
Select your service type as well as country for which you wish to assess your case for for eligibility. Note: Please select right service type as well as country. Prepare your resume and highlight your qualifications as well as work experience. Also add your fixed asset and bank balance. This will add an asset to your case study.

Upload Profile

Fill up form properly all box and column. Attach your resume in doc or pdf format or combined file. Do combined all your documents such as qualifications, work experience plus any high ranked degree. Also attach your all awards etc. Note: You would have to scan all documents and combine in pdf. Size max: 05 M.B.

Pre-Assessment Report

Our team will assess your profile for eligibility for which country you had submitted. If the case found suitable & eligible. You will be asked to pay our fee according to service type. Once Fee received, your case be assess & analyse in details. A complete summary will be prepared and sent you by email as well as whatsapp.